What is Sportsmode?

Sportsmode provides users with the tools required to farm volatility and earn yield on any approved Solana meme token. With Sportsmode, users can wrap approved meme tokens, pair those wrapped tokens with SOL, and stake that liquidity to earn real Crocdog yield.

Where does the yield come from?

Arbitrage opportunities occur whenever the price of the meme token and wrap token deviate beyond the cost to (un)wrap. This arbitrage volume drives revenue to the platform via the (un)wrap fees, and this revenue is used to benefit wrapped token holders, LPs and Crocdog holders.

What is Volatility Farming?

As the market price of all assets fluctuate, users and bots are constantly searching for arbitrage opportunities to make quick and easy profits.

Sportsmode capitalizes on this by creating the arbitrage opportunity itself. Arbitrageurs now have a secondary market for memes, through wrapped assets, where price differences can occur between the same meme giving the above opportunity.

For example - an arbitrage opportunity can occur when the price of $Crocdog and $Sprtmd (wrapped $Crocdog) deviate beyond the cost to wrap and unwrap, and when this opportunity is taken advantage of, platform fees are collected and distributed.

Sportsmode Contracts





Disclaimer - Defi and crypto in-general is risky. Sportsmode contracts are community made and not audited at this time. If you interact with these contracts you are doing so at your own risk and no one in the community shall be held liable for any losses incurred.

Last updated